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Presenter Information

Please email all submissions directly to We recommend for sending large files.

Oral Presentation

Ppt. Submission Deadline: 11th November

  • Each speaker will have a 25 minute time slot – please allow 20 minutes for your presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A and speaker changeover.
  • Please use widescreen (16:9) format in ppt.
  • We have moved away from the traditional, lengthy speaker introductions. You will be welcomed by the chair (name, job title and organisation), after which, you may expand upon your role/experience if you wish.
  • There will be a large comfort monitor displaying your slides on the stage floor, just to the side of the speaker lectern. There will be no laptop on the lectern.


Written Paper

Submission Deadline: 4th November

  • We encourage all speakers to provide a technical paper, where possible
  • Please follow this paper template, noting that references cited must use the Harvard Referencing System.
  • All papers will be circulated to attendees and uploaded to our online database of past proceedings, which has become a great, free resource for many environmental professionals over the years.
  • We are pleased to be collaborating with CIWEM again this year to publish a Special Issue of  Water and Environment Journal.  The opportunity to have your paper published is open to all presenters at the conference.   Further details.


Poster Presentation

Submission Deadline: 11th November

  • The display boards will be 2 metres high x 1 metre wide so we suggest you produce your poster to A0 Portrait size (width 84.1cm x height 118.9cm).  The poster must include the paper title, authors and author affiliations.
  • Please bring your printed poster with you to the registration desk on arrival at The Point at Emirates Old Trafford.
  • Please email a PDF copy of your poster by the 11th November.  This will be included on the virtual event platform and in the conference proceedings.



  • Please be reminded that all speakers are required to register to attend and present at the conference. Don’t miss the early-bird rate, available until 13th September.
  • If you would prefer/need to present virtually please let Frances know asap.


Hotel and Travel

View Hotel and Travel information.  Hotels are extremely busy in this area so please book as soon as possible!



A wide-range of sponsorship opportunities are on offer, which can help boost your presence at the event. Why not sponsor the technical session you are presenting in and maximise exposure for your company? Please get in touch for further details.

Social Media

We’d love to see you share your involvement at this year’s EBB Conference to help spread the word and encourage others to listen to your talk. Please use the personalised speaker graphic that has been emailed to you.

Here is an example post you can use:

‘I’m excited to speak at the European Biosolids & Bioresources Conference on 19-20th November, where I will be presenting on [insert presentation title]. 

Join me at Europe’s leading event for #biosolids and #bioresource processing. Book your delegate place at Hope to see you there!

@aquaenviro @biosolids-bioresources-conference #BiosolidsConference #Biosolids #Bioresources

Don’t forget to tag/@ mention the European Biosolids & Bioresources Conference and Aqua Enviro in your post, and use the official event hashtag #BiosolidsConference to help us find and share your posts.

 If you use LinkedIn, please follow the conference showcase page for regular updates.

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